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Infertility In Males

Fertility Treatment Procedure

Infertility In Males

Fertility problems are more common than you may think. Statistics show that approximately 1 in 6 couples struggle with fertility issues worldwide. Medical tests are recommended if you and your partner have failed to conceive after 12 or more months of trying.

Research has shown that 50% of couples who have difficulty conceiving, the male partner is responsible.

What causes Male Infertility?

We have identified the following causes of male infertility:

  • Lifestyle factors such as drinking too much alcohol, smoking, stress, and wearing tight trousers and underwear.
  • Age- People are starting their families later on in life.
  • Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.

The less well-known causes include:

  • Hormonal problems like low testosterone levels.
  • Genetic irregularities
  • Abnormally large blood vessels (varicoceles) around the testicles
  • Trauma, previous injury, surgery, or radiotherapy to the testes
  • Side effects of medications such as anabolic steroids, chemotherapy, or immune modulators. 

These conditions may cause a reduction in the number or a total absence of sperm. Sperm may also swim poorly, or they may contain damaged DNA or be deformed.

All of the above negative impacts the chance of successful conception. Your partner may conceive but the baby may not reach full-term.

Male Infertility Test

Testing begins with a simple, painless semen analysis. The semen analysis measures the following:

  • Volume of semen
  • The number of sperm
  • Sperm movement
  • Sperm appearance

The semen analysis will also reveal if there is any evidence of infection. Depending on your results, your doctor may recommend an ultrasound scan of the testes and certain blood tests.

How is Infertility in males treated?

Of course, the treatment depends on the cause of infertility. Lifestyle adjustments such as regular aerobic exercise, quitting smoking, and avoiding tight clothing, have proven effective. A healthy diet packed with antioxidants and micronutrients has shown to be helpful. You can get your daily dose of antioxidants and micronutrients via nutritional support supplements to improve your fertility.

Some patients will benefit from hormonal therapy. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

When should I start fertility checks?

If you have been trying for a child for 1 year and have not been successful you should have basic fertility tests done.

What tests should I have done?

Your first test will be a simple Semen Analysis. You should refrain from ejaculation for 3-5 days to ensure accurate testing. The sample should be as fresh as possible as such you may be asked to make your deposit at the lab.

You can visit Semen Analysis for more details.

If the semen analysis reveals abnormalities, further testing may be required.

What is the difference between subfertility and infertility?

Subfertility is a condition where couples are able to conceive, but there may be a low success rate. On the other hand, infertility is an ability to conceive at all.

What should I expect if I decided to explore fertility treatment?

The type of treatment recommended depends on the diagnosis. Lifestyle changes may be all you need. Successful management of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes may also improve your condition. You may be prescribed nutritional support supplements. These are simple, harmless measures that with consistent use, yield results. Some men may require hormonal therapy which has also proven to be effective.

Feel free to contact our clinic if you have concerns about your fertility. We will work with you to find the most suitable remedy.

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