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Discreet STD Testing & Screening Singapore

STD Testing in Singapore By Dr Ben Medical

Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) Symptoms in Men

What is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)?

STD is a category of diseases that can be spread by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites during vaginal, oral, or anal sex.

Some STDs can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or exposure to open infected wounds. It is important to note that STDs left untreated can cause long term issues.

Anyone who is sexually active can contract an STD.

Have you been tested for STDs?

Get tested for STD – fast, private and discreet.

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Benefits Of Discreet Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Testing Or Screening in Singapore

There are several pros to being tested for STDs, here a few that most people can identify with:

Private Appointments
You can expect a confidential, professional consultation for STD screening at our clinic. Our doctors are non-judgemental and will tailor your appointment to suit your individual requirements.

Peace of Mind
If you think that you have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease, you can put your mind at ease with STD screening. Once an STD test is done properly you can trust its accuracy.

Early Treatment
The sooner you get diagnosed, the sooner you can start your treatment. Most STDs are treatable. After treatment, you and your sexual partner can return to normalcy.

How to Prepare for STD Screening Test in Singapore

There are some guidelines that you should follow to prepare for STD screening/testing:

You should avoid cleansing any areas where abnormal discharge can be found. They are required for an accurate swab sample.

In preparation for your appointment, you should hold your urine for at least 4 hours. This improves your chance of getting accurate results.

A small amount of blood will be drawn for testing. There is no need to fast for STD screening.

What are some of the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) that can be tested or treated?


Chlamydia is considered the most prevalent STD globally. The Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria causes this STD and can be found in the genital tract or the throat. Chlamydia can be entirely asymptomatic, especially in women. 
Statistics indicate that approximately half of the men and about 70-90% of women who have contracted Chlamydia may exhibit no symptoms at all.
The Symptoms of Chlamydia include but are not limited to epididymo-orchitis, (inflammation of the epididymis or testicles), urethritis (inflammation of the urinary tract), cervicitis, vaginitis, and Pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID) -affecting the fallopian tubes and the uterus.
If symptoms do present, they usually appear from a few days to about 2-3 weeks after the initial infectious incident.
- Penile discharge
- Painful urination
- Urinary frequency or feeling of urgency
- Chlamydia can also cause more severe infections like epididymo-orchitis which causes pain and epididymal swelling. The epididymis is a gland that is located near the testicles.
- You may feel anal pain if you have a rectal chlamydia infection which is transmitted via anal intercourse.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is an extremely common type of herpes virus. An infected person can spread the virus when it is not adequately suppressed by your immune system. CMV can be transmitted through sexual activity, urine, saliva, from mother to child before or during delivery or breastfeeding. While infected persons carry the virus for the duration of their lifetime, it is suppressed by the immune system if you are healthy. You will also be happy to know that there are no long-term health issues. CMV is particularly dangerous for persons with weakened immune systems (individuals taking chemotherapy or immunosuppressants, or persons with poorly controlled HIV).
When a person first contracts CMV, the following symptoms may be experienced:
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Myalgia (muscle aches)
- Sore throat
- Swollen lymph nodes
CMV can cause the following effects and symptoms in various organs of immunocompromised individuals:
- Liver (Hepatitis)
- Eye
- Gastrointestinal tract (stomach, esophagus, intestines)
In symptomatic adults, CMV infections are diagnosed by antibody blood tests. A saliva or urine sample is used to test for infection in infants. It is important to note that individuals who are symptomless do not need treatment. However, antiviral medications are used to treat and suppress CMV in immunocompromised people.


Gonorrhoea is an STD caused by bacteria that can occur in the genital tract or the throat from oral sex. Symptoms usually surface within a 2-week period after the initial infectious exposure.
- Urinary frequency or urgency
- Pain during urination
- Thick pus-like discharge from the penis
- Infections like epididymo-orchitis which causes pain and swelling of the epididymis or testicles.
- Anal pain and irritation where the Gonorrhoea infection has affected the rectum, due to transmission through anal sex.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is usually the STD that inspires the most fear in people. HIV invades the body’s immune system. It reduces the immune cell count in the body, causing weakened immunity that leaves people vulnerable to severe infections and cancers.
HIV symptoms vary depending on the stage of infection. Also, everyone does not experience HIV in the same way. Many people who are HIV positive experience no symptoms at all.

(several weeks after infection)
- These symptoms are caused by seroconversion i.e. your immune response to an invading virus in your body
- Flu-like symptoms accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, high fever, sore throat muscle aches, and rash
Please note that not all patients experience the symptoms listed above, some may skip this phase entirely. 
- There may be no discernible symptoms for years after being infected. However, during this time the virus silently multiplies in the body. 
The majority of these symptoms are due to rare infections that are caused by a severely compromised immune system. Here is a list of possible symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Rapid unexplained weight loss
- Night sweats and fevers
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Recurrent candida (yeast) infections
- Chronic diarrhea
- Rare lung infections (e.g. pneumocystis carinii pneumonia)
- Rare skin cancers (e.g. Kaposi sarcoma)
- Neurological issues like nerve problems and memory loss.
There are no definitive symptoms of HIV infection. The only way to know if you have been infected to get tested. Getting an early diagnosis means you will have access to treatment sooner. This way HIV positive people to live healthy, normal lives.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the Hepatitis B virus. It can cause a severe infection where a person becomes a carrier of the disease. 6% of the Singapore population are confirmed hepatitis B carriers. Individuals who test positive for more than 6 months after their first test are diagnosed as chronic.
HBV is not transmitted through water, food, utensils, kissing, hugging, coughing, holding hands, or sneezing.
How is Hepatitis B contracted?
- Drug use that involves sharing syringes, needles, or drug preparation equipment
- Sexual intercourse with an infected partner
- During delivery from an infected mother
- Sharp instrument exposure or needle sticks
- Contact with open sores or blood of an infected person
- Sharing toothbrushes and razors with an infected person
Newly acquired (acute/severe) Hepatitis B symptoms arise intermittently. Symptoms and signs vary depending on the age of the patient.

- Fever
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Dark urine
- Abdominal pain
- Clay-coloured stool
- Jaundice
- Joint pain
Hepatitis B appears approximately 90 days (60-150 days) after HBV exposure. Persons who develop jaundiced skin with vomiting, jaundiced eyes, abdominal pain, and drowsiness should visit the doctor straight away. Hepatitis B is diagnosed by a blood test that detects Hepatitis B surface Antibodies and Hepatitis B surface antigen. Active or past infection is distinguished by a Hepatitis B core antigen. There is no precise treatment for Hepatitis B: only supportive care. 
In most cases, chronic Hepatitis B carriers do not require treatment. However it is important for them to have 6-month follow-up liver ultrasounds and blood tests for the rest of their lives.
Where treatment is required, patients are prescribed antiviral medications and immune molecules. The good news is that Hepatitis B is a vaccine-preventable condition. All family members, close household members, and sexual partners living with a chronically infected individual should be tested and subsequently vaccinated.

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver condition caused by the Hepatitis C virus (HCV). It is highly infectious and carried in the blood. It can cause both chronic (long term and persistent) and acute (short term) liver inflammation. The effects can be mild with little to no symptoms of severe and organ/life-threatening.
The different stages of Hepatitis C infection and their associated symptoms are listed below:
Acute hepatitis C
- Symptoms may start 2 weeks to several months after the initial infection
- Most individuals may not exhibit any symptoms, but a liver function test may reveal liver inflammation (elevated liver enzymes).
- People who do develop symptoms may experience fatigue, fever, jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin) nausea, dark urine, joint pains, and right-side abdominal pain. 
Chronic hepatitis C
- The Hepatitis C infection has long term effects on 75%-85% of infected persons 
- Most people with chronic hepatitis C have ongoing liver inflammation even though they do not have symptoms.
- About 10-29% of persons with chronic hepatitis C will go on to develop liver cirrhosis. This condition causes impaired liver function and visible scarring of the liver.
- Symptoms of cirrhosis arise in the advanced stages.
- Patients with cirrhosis and hepatitis C are at significant risk for liver cancer and liver failure.
Please note that many infected persons experience NO SYMPTOMS during the chronic and the acute infection phase.
The following groups of people are at increased risk for hepatitis C:
- Drug users (snort/inject etc)
- Persons who engage in risky sexual activity ( e.g. exposure to blood during anal intercourse) 
- People with sexual partners who have hepatitis C
- HIV positive individuals
- Person who are imprisoned or who were formerly incarcerated. 
- Children whose mothers have hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is diagnosed by the requisite blood tests. Only those who have chronic hepatitis C are offered treatment. Fortunately, the anti-viral treatments which are available for hepatitis have a high success rate of more than 90%. Infected persons will also need regular check-ups to monitor for liver inflammation and complications like cancer and liver cirrhosis.
This is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C. The only vaccines available are for hepatitis A and B.

Herpes 1 & 2

Herpes is triggered by the Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2). It is a widespread STD that is spread through bodily fluids like saliva and genital secretions. Infected persons may suffer from outbreaks and flares occasionally. The rest of the time individuals remain asymptomatic. The outbreaks usually present in the genital, oral, and anal regions.
Symptoms of herpes occur only during an outbreak or flare:
- Prodromal stage – a slight discomfort or tingling of the skin.
- Stage 2 – nonspecific red rash/spots appear on the skin
- Stage 3 – these red spots then turn into tiny painful, fluid-filled bumps or blisters. 
- Stage 4 – the blisters rupture to form painful, shallow ulcers
- Stage 5 – the ulcers in turn crust over and scab and then heal.
The first flare is typically the worst and is sometimes accompanied by fatigue, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. 
Many people with HSV may be unaware that they have the virus since they have no symptoms. However, even if they are completely asymptomatic, they are still carriers and can spread the virus.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an extremely prevalent STD. Most sexually active people encounter some strain of HPV during their lifetime. Most HPV infections are symptomless as such infected persons pass the virus on to their sexual partners.
Various strains of HPV are associated with genital warts and various cancers or genital warts.
Symptoms of HPV infection include:
- Genital warts – cauliflower-shaped, flesh-colored lumps or bumps can appear around the perianal and genital region. They can present anywhere on the groin, the penis, and the perianal region.
- HPV associated anal or oral cancers.

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a fairly widespread skin condition caused by a virus by the same name. It is of the pox variety. It manifests as upraised, cream, skin, or flesh-colored bumps which may sometimes have a central indentation called the central umbilication. 
Molluscum contagiosum is transmitted through skin contact. If you come into contact with someone’s lesions, have sexual contact, or participate in contact sports you can be exposed. The virus is able to live outside the bodies on surfaces such as towels, gym equipment, and clothing.
Molluscum contagiosum is benign but scratching lesions may cause secondary infections and scarring. You should seek treatment if you have the following:
- Lesions around the perianal or genital region
- Large lesions
- Extensive lesions and are immunocompromised 
Several treatment methods available include:
- Removal of lesions – with surgery or cryotherapy 
- Topical ointments or creams 
- Usual treatments may fail in immunocompromised individuals; special treatments may be needed.

Mycoplasma & Ureaplasma

Certain strains of Mycoplasma (e.g. Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis) and Ureaplasma (e.g. Ureaplasma parvum, Ureaplasma urealyticum ) are bacterial.
STDs usually affect the genital tract.
You might experience: 
- Irritation or discomfort in the urinary tract
- Painful urination
- Discharge from penis


Syphilis is caused by the Treponema pallidum bacteria. This disease has different stages and as such symptoms vary depending on the stage. The symptoms can be unnoticeable or mild, sometimes being dismissed. Most of the time syphilis is diagnosed by chance at a screening (blood test). If left untreated, the infection can affect multiple organs including the eye, brain, heart, and nerves.
Syphilis symptoms are similar in both females and males and usually present anytime from weeks to years after being infected.
Syphilis can also cause general symptoms like enlarged lymph nodes, fever, and sore throat, which may be misdiagnosed.

(Presents a few weeks up to 3 months after being infected)
- Painless ulcer (chancre) – either on the anal, oral and genital region. This may disappear and heal as the infection moves to the next stage.
(manifests months or a year after being infected)
- Rash – brownish or red patches, anywhere on the body and can appear on
the palms and soles of the feet. This rash may appear and disappear at intervals.
Here is a list of some of the symptoms according to the organ involved:
- If the brain is affected, weakness, numbness, dementia, and incoordination can occur
- Syphilis can cause heart problems like inflammation of the aorta and associated aortic valve (aortitis) 
This is when an infected person exhibits no symptoms, but the disease progresses to tertiary syphilis with devasting effects

This is when syphilis affects both the nervous system and the eye. It can occur at any time and may cause vision problems, even blindness.


Trichomoniasis is a genital STD caused by the Trichomonas vaginalis parasite.
Symptoms usually surface several days up to a month after a person is infected.
- Irritation, discomfort, or itching of the urinary tract.
- Penile discharge
- Painful urination
Sexually Transmitted Diseases can be Asymptomatic. Certain STDs like Hepatitis B and C that are carried in the blood may have no symptoms. Both Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C cause chronic inflammation and infect the liver. Infected persons may appear completely healthy for years. Blood tests for liver function may reveal inflammation during this period. Symptoms may only appear as end-stage liver disease when the damage has already been done. Most people believe that with no symptoms they are in the clear. This is a common misconception. Some STDs only cause symptoms at the end stage of the disease. Individuals who appear perfectly healthy can still infect their sexual partners. Certain STDs also present with very nonspecific symptoms that can lead to misdiagnosis. The only way that you can be sure that you do not have an STD is to get screened. 

Feel free to visit our clinic if you suspect that you may have an STD or would just like to get a check-up. We are ready to assist.

Package & Cost of STD Test in Singapore

PROFILE 1 - S$200

- HIV 
- Syphilis 
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhoea

PROFILE 2 - S$55

- HIV 
- Syphilis 
- Hepatitis B

PROFILE 3 - S$120

- HIV 
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis B
- Herpes Type I
- Herpes Type II

PROFILE 4 - S$200

- HIV 
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Herpes Type I
- Herpes Type II

PROFILE 5 - S$310

- HIV 
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Herpes Type I
- Herpes Type II
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhoea

PROFILE 6 - S$270

- Syphilis 
- Hepatitis B
- Herpes Type I
- Herpes Type II
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhoea

Rapid STD Testing

Rapid HIV and Syphilis Fingerpick Test (Result in 20mins)

HIV Antibody Test: Sexual exposure as early as 28 days
HIV P24 Antigen/Antibody HIV Test: Sexual exposure as early as 14 days
Syphilis Antibody Test: Sexual exposure as early as 14 days

Rapid Urine, Anal or Throat Swab Test (Next working day result) - S$190

- Chlamydia 
- Gonorrhoea

Rapid STD Package - S$350

- HIV 
- Syphilis
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhoea

Female STD Screening Packages in Singapore

Basic Female Screening - S$150

- Smear Test 
- Yeast infection
- Trichomoniasis
- Bacterial vaginosis

Essential Female Screening - S$260

- Smear Test 
- Common Bacterial Culture
- Yeast infection
- Trichomoniasis
- Bacterial vaginosis 
- Chlamydia  
- Gonorrhoea 
- Mycoplasma Hominis
- Ureaplasma Urealyticum

Comprehensive Female Screening - S$360

- Direct Smear
- Smear Test 
- Common Bacterial Culture
- Yeast infection
- Trichomoniasis
- Bacterial vaginosis 
- Chlamydia  
- Gonorrhoea 
- Mycoplasma Hominis
- Yeast Culture
- Gonorrhoea Culture 
- Group B Strep Culture
- Ureaplasma Urealyticum

Urine test, Rectal Swab, Throat Swab for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Urine Test

- Chlamydia 
- Gonorrhoea
- Mycoplasma Genitalium 
- Non- Sexually transmitted urine bacteria 
- Ureaplasma Urealyticum, 
- Mycoplasma Hominis 
- Trichomonas 
- Gardnerella 
- Candida

Rectal Test

- Chlamydia 
- Gonorrhoea
- HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- Anal Pap smear

Throat Swab

- Chlamydia 
- Gonorrhoea

Which STD test is best for me?

There is no single best STD test, or a test that can broadly detect all STDs - different tests are used for different STDs.

How to prepare yourself for STD screening

  • If you are doing a urine test, it is advised to hold your urine 1-2 hours before the test
  • For females, ensure you are not on your period
  • For males, please try not to wipe off any penile discharge so we can collect a swab sample

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